Water and humans
Nowadays, water is not that clean as it used to be. Everything that goes into your toilet and is later flushed using water, mixes with water, then goes into the sewage system, then goes through a full cycle of treatment, where they use some chemical additives in order to clean the water. However, water will never be completely clean, it stores some of the dissolved matter, chemical addittives, fertilizers, antibiotics, chemical elements, etc. Lately, water quality has been strongly affected by human activity and there are a lot of studies that show exactly the extent of water pollution.
The immediate danger for us humans is that we use water for everything and that we do not have the means to test it at home, so, we never know how polluted the water we use for drinking, washing etc, is. We just use it, without knowing exactly what we use.
Water and humans
Nowadays, water is not that clean as it used to be. Everything that goes into your toilet and is later flushed using water, mixes with water, then goes into the sewage system, then goes through a full cycle of treatment, where they use some chemical additives in order to clean the water. However, water will never be completely clean, it stores some of the dissolved matter, chemical addittives, fertilizers, antibiotics, chemical elements, etc. Lately, water quality has been strongly affected by human activity and there are a lot of studies that show exactly the extent of water pollution.
The immediate danger for us humans is that we use water for everything and that we do not have the means to test it at home, so, we never know how polluted the water we use for drinking, washing etc, is. We just use it, without knowing exactly what we use.

Distilled Water
What if there would be a way to obtain the purest water ever, just as simple as a bond between 2 Hydrogen and an Oxygen atom? In fact, there is, the simplest natural phenomenon that makes it rain has been used for centuries for a lot of applications and now, you can use it in the confort of your home for obtaining the purest water ever.
Megahome technology allows you to distill tap or other source water and obtain, through distillation just pure water, without contaminants such as pesticides, heavy metals, radioactive elements, antibiotics, viruses, bacteria, etc. Pure water can be used for a variety of applications without having to worry about risks.
The cost per liter is less than 10 cents, as, for approximately 4 liters of water, the water distiller will consume less than 2 kWh of electricity, so, the lowest you can ever get.
Compared to industrial distilled water, your Megahome water is perfect for drinking, making tea, preparing food, washing body parts, preparing milk for toddlers, etc. Industrial distilled water is not suitable for drinking or for preparing food, as they warn you on the bottle. You will remove all worries from your life as you know the water you use in your kitchen or for personal care is 100 % free of contaminants.

How Does It Work
Megahome water distilling machines use a simple principle that nature uses as well and allow you to obtain pure water with very low energy consumption. So, you will have the most efficient way of obtaining pure water, the cost per liter is the lowest possible and water quality in terms of pureness will be far better than any bottled water you could buy.
Megahome machines use electricity to boil water, water evaporates, then, water vapours condense over a long condensing pipe that is constantly coooled by a fan. This way, you are sure there is nothing else than H2O coming though the outlet. Everything else that is in the water and you do not need it in your glass stays in the base unit and you can clean it later on.
Depending on the temperature of the water you will pour in the stainless steel drum, it will take about 4 - 4:30 hours to process 4 litres of water, so, the device can usually process around 18 litres of water in 24 hours.
Regular usage of the water distiller will make impurities in the water and minerals sediment on the bottom of the stainless steel drum, so, after a while, depending on how contaminated the water is and how much water you process monthly, you will have to clean your stainless steel drum. The reccomended option is to follow the instructions in the user manual provided with your device and use Megahome Water Residue Cleaner, for best results.
How Does It Work
Megahome water distilling machines use a simple principle that nature uses as well and allow you to obtain pure water with very low energy consumption. So, you will have the most efficient way of obtaining pure water, the cost per liter is the lowest possible and water quality in terms of pureness will be far better than any bottled water you could buy.
Megahome machines use electricity to boil water, water evaporates, then, water vapours condense over a long condensing pipe that is constantly coooled by a fan. This way, you are sure there is nothing else than H2O coming though the outlet. Everything else that is in the water and you do not need it in your glass stays in the base unit and you can clean it later on.
Depending on the temperature of the water you will pour in the stainless steel drum, it will take about 4 - 4:30 hours to process 4 litres of water, so, the device can usually process around 18 litres of water in 24 hours.
Regular usage of the water distiller will make impurities in the water and minerals sediment on the bottom of the stainless steel drum, so, after a while, depending on how contaminated the water is and how much water you process monthly, you will have to clean your stainless steel drum. The reccomended option is to follow the instructions in the user manual provided with your device and use Megahome Water Residue Cleaner, for best results.

Why choose Megahome water distillers?
Megahome water distillers are state of the art devices, manufactured under strict quality surveillance, the rate of service issues being lower than 0,5%. They are considered to be the best in the field, tests show that Megahome water is indeed pure water as the quantity of Total Dissolved Solids is always very close to zero.
Megahome water distillers are easy to use, independent devices, meaning that you do not have to be careful to what it does, you can pour water in, turn it on and will turn off itself when the distillation task will be completed.
Megahome water distillers offer you the best efficiency measured in the cost of cents/litre, with less than 10 euro cents/litre in terms of energy consumption.
Megahome machines are safe to use and if used properly, they will last you for a lifetime. They are built to last with precise engeneering and using top quality materials. Prevention systems have been installed on these machines so nothing can go wrong.
Megahome water distillers use multiple filtration methods, the activated charcoal filter will remove any nasty taste or odour and will neutralize some of the volatile substances that have evaporated and condensed together with water. This activated charcoal filter has to be changed as well, according to user manual specifications. In this case, you have to use Megahome activated charcoal filters and porcelain or glass inserts.

Personal Water
Tap or bottled water are good for most but not perfect for everyone as we are different and different bodies mean different needs, so, the perfect water will never be available, some water having more minerals than you need, some having a wrong Ph, etc. Megahome water is pure water you can personalise according to your needs, so, you have something basic you can adjust as you wish.
Minerals`content in water differs around the world, there are regions in the world where high Calcium (limestone) content in watermakes people sick or where high iron content makes water not suitable for drinking. Human actions have also added a lot of harmful substances to water, such as fertilizers (nitrites, nitrates, etc.) that are very harmful for health and can even cause death if constantly drunk. All these worries can be removed using Megahome water distillers that will not allow any chemical substances or minerals to end up in your glass. You can even distill sea water without any worry in our 316 stainless steel version device.
Megahome water will be purer than the water you can obtain by filtration through carbon filters or even reverse osmosis, being free from germs, bacteria or viruses. Megahome devices are equipped with a charcoal filter that will also remove volatile organic compounds in your water. The pure water you can obtain using Megahome, will definitely have the main qualities of perfect drinking water: no colour, no smell, no taste, no doubt about it!
Some say that distilled water is "dead water" as it has no chemical elements and thus it is not able to properly hydrate your body. We can only say that pure water can be frozen and then unfrozen in order for the water mollecules to rearrange and then you just have to taste it and see for yourself if it is not the best water you have ever tasted.
If you need to have some minerals in your water you can use hydration formulas to fit your needs as there are plenty of formulas that you only have to add to your water and get everything your body craves for from the first sip. Personalised formulas can help you avoid drinking minerals you do not need and enhance your body`s potential adding some supplements you can not get anywhere else.
Personal Water
Tap or bottled water are good for most but not perfect for everyone as we are different and different bodies mean different needs, so, the perfect water will never be available, some water having more minerals than you need, some having a wrong Ph, etc. Megahome water is pure water you can personalise according to your needs, so, you have something basic you can adjust as you wish.
Minerals`content in water differs around the world, there are regions in the world where high Calcium (limestone) content in watermakes people sick or where high iron content makes water not suitable for drinking. Human actions have also added a lot of harmful substances to water, such as fertilizers (nitrites, nitrates, etc.) that are very harmful for health and can even cause death if constantly drunk. All these worries can be removed using Megahome water distillers that will not allow any chemical substances or minerals to end up in your glass. You can even distill sea water without any worry in our 316 stainless steel version device.
Megahome water will be purer than the water you can obtain by filtration through carbon filters or even reverse osmosis, being free from germs, bacteria or viruses. Megahome devices are equipped with a charcoal filter that will also remove volatile organic compounds in your water. The pure water you can obtain using Megahome, will definitely have the main qualities of perfect drinking water: no colour, no smell, no taste, no doubt about it!
Some say that distilled water is "dead water" as it has no chemical elements and thus it is not able to properly hydrate your body. We can only say that pure water can be frozen and then unfrozen in order for the water mollecules to rearrange and then you just have to taste it and see for yourself if it is not the best water you have ever tasted.
If you need to have some minerals in your water you can use hydration formulas to fit your needs as there are plenty of formulas that you only have to add to your water and get everything your body craves for from the first sip. Personalised formulas can help you avoid drinking minerals you do not need and enhance your body`s potential adding some supplements you can not get anywhere else.

You can use Megahome distilled water for almost everything you would use you tap or bottled water. So, you can drink it, use it for making soups, to boil vegetables or meat, to can fruits or vegetables, to prepare baby food, to water plants, for making ice cubes, use it for personal hygene, etc.
Distilled water is safe for you and your family as it does not contain any harmful substances, it is just pure H2O, without chemical elements or dissolved solids.
Distilled water can also be used in medical facilities to clean or sterilize instruments, wash scars or clean tissues, in beauty salons, in laboratories, to prepare medicines or solutions or even to use it for your car or other vehicles. Distilled water has many other applications which you can discover for yourself, as distilled water will do everything normal tap water does, but better.